Wednesday, August 25, 2021

getting back into things

Trying to get back into good habits. Been painting up some stuff for Warhammer Underworlds lately.

Ironsoul's Condemnors: These Stormcasts were done quickly with contrast paints to a tabletop-standard. Absolutely love that Talassar Blue.

Lady Harrow's Mournflight: A little more effort went into the banshee warband - some highlighting, drybrushing, and a few details from among their costumes and weapons. Very pleased with how they turned out.

And some things to come. The big fella is a Fomoroid Crusher to use with the solo rules they published last year, and the other shot shows some of the terrain I've been painting up.

crumbling castles

Finished painting up this large scenery set for Warcry, the Defiled Ruins. I actually haven't played Warcry yet, but I imagine these...