Tuesday, October 20, 2020

a game of armored combat

The Battletech Kickstarter has finally come through, and I've got a nice new pile of tiny robots to paint up and rules to read.

I was hoping to get a little more practice in with the starter sets before this arrived, but quarantine has killed that plan. Still, I managed to get all the little robots from the first two boxes painted up, at least.

Some of these were among the first minis I'd painted since middle school, so they're a little rough here and there, but I think the paint scheme works to bring them all together. Here's hoping I get a chance to play with them sometime within the next year or two!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

hello world

First post! Going to be blogging some of the nerd game stuff I've been up to - painting, gaming, etc. Thanks for stopping by!

crumbling castles

Finished painting up this large scenery set for Warcry, the Defiled Ruins. I actually haven't played Warcry yet, but I imagine these...